📄️ Permissionless Lending Pool
Using Save.Finance’s permissionless pools technology, people who want to lend SOL at reasonable rates to finance FartStrategy’s growing stash of Fartcoin can do so. This is a simple two-way lend/borrow pool that allows Fartcoin to be used as collateral to borrow SOL. Immutable rules govern the pool, so there is no risk of lenders’ funds being lost.
📄️ Convertible Bonds
This is the next lowest risk offering that FartStrategy has. Users may lock in a buy price for $FSTR (i.e. a free call option), loan FartStrategy their SOL for a fixed time, and if $FSTR goes up in value beyond the strike price of the option, their loaned SOL turns into freshly minted $FSTR at that price!
📄️ At-The-Money Offerings
If the total market cap of $FSTR trades significantly above the total value of its Fartcoin holdings, management may, at its discretion, mint as many as 1,000,000 $FSTR tokens (0.1% of the initial supply) in any 24 hour period, sell those newly minted tokens, and take the SOL to buy more Fartcoin, thus accelerating the “Fartcoin Flywheel”.
📄️ Protocol-Owned Liquidity
FartStrategy owns the FSTR/SOL liquidity pool on Meteora, which is locked and earns fees in FSTR and SOL. The SOL is used to buy more Fartcoin, but until management decides to conduct at-the-money offerings to buy more Fartcoin, the protocol can earn additional fees through deploying more Protocol-Owned Liquidity.